Basement Bully

If you would like a truly haunted experience where paranormal activity is measurable on every floor, you must take a trip to the Haunted Victorian in Gardner, MA.  On the evening of November 5, 2011, a curious group of guests did just that.

Bundled up in coats and hats and gloves, the guests were split up into 3 groups and were led through the mansion by Ron Kolek,  Anne Kerrigan and  members of the NEGP team.  Clay Rucker and I led our first group to the 3rd floor.

K-2 and EMF meters were active right away as people made their way down the hallway past the small bathroom and toward the rooms that would prove to  be interesting.  We had interaction with a boy who answered some questions by lighting up the K-2 and manipulating dowsing rods, and the answers I was getting psychically were confirmed by Clay’s pendulum.  When the K-2 meters went silent, Clay would ask where I felt his energy.  I pointed out where I felt him, and the k-2s again lighted up as we found and followed him around the room.

In the last bedroom on the right we encountered another spirit.  He was a man who felt shameful.  I believe he was a son of S.K. Pierce, the original owner of the mansion and the furniture factory across the street.  He also interacted with the K-2 and EMF meters, as well as the iOvilus, dowsing rods and the Talker ITC.

The second floor was equally as active.  An interesting room on this floor is the Nanny’s room.  There is a spot on the floor, just to the right of the closet door where there is a noticeable energy change.  Each guest stood on the spot and each guest had a different experience.  Some guests felt nothing while others felt lighter, wobbly legged, dizzy or heavy.  We all noticed that as we stood in the Nanny’s room that we were all warming up.  It was a steady 48 degrees in the mansion, but in this room our hands and feet were noticeably warmer and there was a warm spot next to a teen-aged member of our group.  The digital thermometer confirmed the rise in temperature with reading into the 50s.  The Nanny must have been taking care our teen guest.

We also experienced a variety of energies in the master bedroom.  I first picked up  on a woman. I could feel my left ovary and part of my uterus.  I believe she passed in the house, and because of the symptoms I experienced, I think she died of ovarian or uterine cancer.  It may have been another cancer, that had metastasized to these areas.  We had a member of our group who was visited by her grandmother,  and there was also a male who hung back and never quite came forward, but I could feel he had a bad liver which tells me he was a drinker.

The last area that Clay and I would explore with our group was the basement.  There are many rooms in the basement.  To my surprise, there was a  lot of female energy, not something you usually find in basement areas.  Come to find out, there is a kitchen in the basement and to keep the family cool during the warm days of summer, the servants would cook the meals down there.

There was also a female who interacted with us by manipulating the k-2 meters in a room that can be accessed by a doorway at the bottom of the stairs, then turning right.  She was intimidated by an angry bully of a male spirit who moves through that same doorway but we found in the room to the left.

He was not happy that we were in his space.  He, by nature is a stern curmudgeonly sort, and I believe him to be a worker of the factory across the street, employed by S.K. Pierce.  Just outside of this room there is a cemented up tunnel that once ran under the road and directly into the factory.  I feel he is directly connected to this tunnel.

As our group asked him questions, he became more and more agitated.  His energy seemed to grow stronger but then pulled back.  As fast as it seemed to dissipate, it came back and filled the room in a rush.  We noticed how bone chillingly cold the room became as his anger was readily felt, and we noticed how we suddenly could see our breath as it hung in icy clouds about our faces.  Clay and I became concerned for the safety of our guests as I was sensing that he may touch, push or scratch one of us, so we left him.   We exited the room through the doorway that led us to walk past the original furniture of the house, built by S.K.’s factory that is piled against the wall in the hallway where the tunnel opening lays.  We entered the room across the hall and could feel him glaring at us from the room we just left.

In an attempt to intimidate us, icy breezes began to swirl about our lower legs as the riled spirit entered the room we were now in, following us and threatening to harm our group.  We returned to the summer kitchen through the back doorway under the stairs.  The angry spirit wasn’t about to let us be, as he watched us from the doorway at the bottom of the stairs.  Feeling him stare, I decided to take some pictures.  I took two in succession.

The first photo show an unexplained cloudiness in front of the door from where the spirit stood and glared.  less than 5 seconds later, in the second photo, there is nothing but a white anomaly on the left side of the door frame that looks like an orb in motion heading back into the the room. (You may click on the picture to enlarge it.)  Is this proof?  No.  Is it interesting?  You bet!

It certainly was a night filled with some thought provoking, some funny and some downright scary moments.  All in a night’s work for a ghost hunter.   I would like to extend a great big “Thank You!” to owners Edwin Gonzalez and Lillian Otero, also to Ron Kolek and all of my fellow NEGP crew members for a great night !

4 thoughts on “Basement Bully”

  1. Hi Leslie,
    What a great accurate account of last night. I think you were kinder to our friend in the basement, he was really nasty, and he became really agressive with us. Apparently I learned he is new to the house, which explains why we never experienced him before. Looking forward to our next investigation!


  2. Have you done a podcast with Ron Kolek and Maureen Wood? I used to listen to the podcast all the time at work. I even got their book! Interesting when I searched the ITC talker for tips I didn’t know. Glad to see I found a good, reliable and familiar source.

  3. Hi, Lesley —

    I am presently writing a book about the S.K. Pierce house. I toured the house earlier this week and checked out the cellar. In my opinion, it is possible that the spirit you encountered could have been that of Edward Pierce, who lost the house in a card game with Jay Stemmerman. The new owner felt so badly about the turn of events that he had the old man live down there. He died in 1967, having lived in the cellar for two years. I would like t chat with you further about this. My phone number is 603-585-6820.


    Eric Stanway

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